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Ebook - Families, Law, and Society: A New Juvenile Justice System : Total Reform for a Broken System (2015, Hardcover) MOBI, FB2


A New Juvenile Justice Systemaims at nothing less than a complete reform of the existing system: not minor change or even significant overhaul, but the replacement of the existing system with a different vision. The authors in this volume academics, activists, researchers, and those who serve in the existing system all respond in this collection to the question of what the system should be. Uniformly, they agree that an ideal system should be centered around the principle of child well-being and the goal of helping kids to achieve productive lives as citizens and members of their communities. Rather than the existing system, with its punitive, destructive, undermining effect and uneven application by race and gender, these authors envision a system responsive to the needs of youth as well as to the community s legitimate need for public safety. How, they ask, can the ideals of equality, freedom, liberty, and self-determination transform the system? How can we improve the odds that children who have been labeled as delinquent can make successful transitions to adulthood? And how can we create a system that relies on proven, family-focused interventions and creates opportunities for positive youth development? Drawing upon interdisciplinary work as well as on-the-ground programs and experience, the authors sketch out the broad parameters of such a system. Providing the principles, goals, and concrete means to achieve them, this volume imagines using our resources wisely and well to invest in all children and their potential to contribute and thrive in our society."

Families, Law, and Society: A New Juvenile Justice System : Total Reform for a Broken System (2015, Hardcover) by book MOBI, EPUB

These firsthand accounts give an unprecedented view of Anglo-Irish social and political events, as well as a view of an Anglo-Irish printer-publisher at work.These women wouldn t be just any women, though.From humorous scenes in colonial north India, to the heartbreak and homesickness of post-colonial life in Pakistan, Mirages of the Mind forms an authentic portrait of life among South Asia's Urdu speakers, rendered beautifully into English by Matt Reeck and Aftab Ahmad.In A Grammar of Dazaga, Josiah Walters provides the first detailed description and analysis of Dazaga (a Saharan language) in the past half-century.This was the key question for the Stuttgart-based author Anna Haag (18881982), the democratic feminist whose anti-Nazi diaries are analysed in this book.He pleas for a stronger non-Western input in the ecumenical discussions and emphasizes that in many contexts (Indonesia, India, China) the interreligious dialogue has become part of the inner-Christian dialogue.When Big Bob, manager of the town dump, goes missing, CeCe is worried about more than where she'll score her next salvaged car.Google and Intervox.A helpful, quick-reference glossary of characters and places in Wolfe's works is included, as well as a series of useful geneological charts of fictional characters and corresponding real-life family members.The first reconstructs the development of human musical abilities.